October 28, 2014
Driving Safety Tips for Halloween
Car Crafters always advocates safe driving and being alert behind the wheel. Distractions and lack of attention while driving are a major cause of automobile accidents. Being alert is especially important on the night of Halloween. Being on a Friday this year, expect increased traffic of trick-or-treaters out and about looking for candy. Here are a few reminders for drivers if you plan on being out on Halloween:
- Take your time: Drive slowly and be aware of your surroundings. Don’t be in a hurry on Halloween night. The costume party will still be there no matter what time you arrive.
- Put the Phone Away: We never condone texting and driving, but on Halloween please put the phone in the glove compartment so you aren’t tempted. It only takes a few seconds to lose track of what is around you.
- Watch out for kids running into the street: Think back to the stereotypical driving test you see in every movie or cartoon. Kids may dart out in front of your vehicle at any moment. Be prepared to hit the brakes and maybe drive 5 MPH under the speed limit, especially in neighborhoods and heavily populated areas.
- Find a clear area to drop off your kids: Are you going to be dropping off the kids so they can go get candy? Make sure you pull off the street and have the kids exit towards a sidewalk. Impatient drivers could try to pass around you as kids are exiting.
- Remind your teenage drivers: Have a teen who is a new or inexperienced driver? Remind them to be cautious and watch for kids. Go over these steps with them and make sure they are aware that young kids will be out and about.
We hope everybody has a fun and safe Halloween! In addition to driving safely, make sure you keep an eye on your children and monitor other drivers. Happy Halloween!